Hire Professional Voice Over Talent -
Free Voice Over Auditions.
The Voice Realm is the best online casting website, helping clients around the world find and hire voice talent and experienced announcers. There are no amateurs here wasting your time! All voice over rates are clear, so you don't get hit with any surprises.
We've done everything we can to simplify your job of searching and recording a professional voice actor, artist and talent. In just a few clicks you can find the right voiceover talent for your project. Whether it's an on-hold messages or voicemail greetings, narration, tv and radio commercials, educational, interactive, internet video, in store and stadium announcers, documentary, corporate presentations, audio book or e-learning jobs, we've got the perfect voice artist for you.

The process to hire the male & female voices, through to receiving the final recording has never been easier.
Plus with Fast Voice Casting you'll have the job completed in no time.

Thousands of professional voice actors with broadcast quality studios ready and waiting.

24/7 voice over agent support. Free professional casting services and NEVER any service fees.

Get FREE auditions from voice actors located around the world. Never pay until you are happy.

- 1Search our massive database and listen to demos free.
- 2Register for a free account to access even more features.
- 3Post a free casting of your script for voice actors to audition.
- 4Listen to voice submissions of your script and share them with clients.
- 5If you don't find a voice you like, you don't pay.
- 6We can also translate your script into other languages to reach a wider audience.