Category: Voice Over Business

Voice over Coach

Why Beginners Should Hire a Voiceover Coach

Investing on a voiceover coach is your ultimate beginner kit into building a solid foundation for your voice acting career. Your voice over coach will help you assess your strengths and weaknesses and guide you throughout your journey to success. At The Voice Realm, we provide a directory for the best professional voice coaches who are apt to help you in any stage of your career. The Voice Realm coaches are based US, UK, and Australia. Voice actors who undergo voice training at The Voice Realm get roughly 30% more jobs.

How Voice Actors Can Toot Their Trumpet Without Blowing It

How Voice Actors Can Toot Their Trumpet Without Blowing It

“You have to do a little bragging on yourself even to your relatives — man doesn’t get anywhere without advertising.”, said former Vice President of the United States John Nance Garner. However, it can be difficult to gauge whether you are just sharing your voice acting milestones or you are already crossing the line for bragging it blatantly. Thus, as a voice actor per se, you should master how to act your achievements the proper way be it in the flesh or online.


How To Get Started In Voiceover

Voice over, without a doubt, is making rounds on the acting realm nowadays. An actor can’t deny that albeit challenging, it’s one of the most rewarding careers available today in the acting market, taking into consideration the flexibility of work hours and workplace, and the multifarious array of clients.